Doodling with Words Followers

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Snowflake Hearts
written by
Jeannette Zink

January 31, 2016

The snowflake hearts were beginning to twirl downward just slightly east of full moon’s glow.  It was definitely the beginning of a theatrical stage-setting and mystical venue for a historic blizzard.  The nice weather people had succeeded in forecasting the approximate time for the arrival of the first snowflakes and their anemometers were primed to measure the howling winds that were promised to reach the criterion for blizzard conditions.  Most of the weather reporting viewing community had abided by the expert guidance to stock their shelves with enough non-perishable eatables to sustain a hearty soul for at least 3 days or more.  The acquisition of water, milk, toilet paper, chips, hot chocolate, batteries and hand warmers were all on the “must-have-to-make-it-through” this historic Blizzard of 2016

I was as prepared as I could be for history to make its dramatic entrance in my little part of the world on the east coast of North America.  In fact, the nights and days to follow were best described by the great literary connoisseur and author of the simply stated descriptive opening sentence to any story – Snoopy of Peanuts fame … “It was a dark and stormy night.”

The fear of losing power, a literal and emotional prospect, was my big psyche monster under the bed.  If the snow drifts were to accumulate up to the levels of the predicted 30 – 40 inches, how could I possibly keep myself warm for several days until my power had been restored?  The variety store hand warmers would not be enough to make it through this monster of a storm.  I would have to face my other fear – fire – and test the fireplace in my home, a perfectly fine fireplace that had never been used in 13 years.  My brother, who lives a mere 1,800 miles from me, was so kind and supportive to give me the step-by-step instructions on how to check out the fireplace.  So, putting on my be strong and be brave armor, I began my expedition to explore the safety net of power alternative, if needed. 

My strength in opening the fireplace flue damper was surely tested, but I did finally manage to open the damper.  I could almost see the glimmers of light from the heavens, which was the indicator there were no bird nests obstructing the escape hatch for uninvited smoke vapors; and, the cold chill of blizzard winds definitely invaded the confines of the fireplace – another sign, I determined, that the fireplace was ready for use, if I absolutely… back against the proverbial wall … kind of moment arrived, and I needed to touch a flame to the simulated firewood gathered for such an occasion.

The next opposition to surmount was the closing of the fireplace’s damper.  I am now going to share with you a key mental note from my fireplace checking experience… use your Smartphone camera to take a picture of the “before opening the damper” setup.  To be more specific, the camera must capture the image of where the vital “lug” goes in the essential bracket.   Because it will be at this decisive moment when you may question … how does one know with unquestionable certainty that the damper is closed? … that you will save yourself a lot of grief and valuable home heat by just taking a refresher view of the camera’s photo of that precious “lug.”  I was not so clever to employ such strategy, and my mental camera was a bit foggy.  Thus, I did not return the lug to its proper position and the night’s cold chill found its resting place in my fireplace.  However, the next morning upon my check of the blessed fireplace, my instincts told me something was amiss.  The thought of flue dampers and lugs were twirling in my anxious minds-eye.  I turned to modern day technology and search engines to explore the possible mishap in my fireplace checking adventure.  Thank you to the people of Google-land for solving my dilemma.  I was able to find a picture of what constitutes a successfully closed damper and exactly where the royal “lug” goes in the bracket.  I am so proud of me and I am so grateful to Google-land!!!  With this drama now resolved, it was now time for a hot bowl of gluten-free quinoa and a cup of hot apple cider.

The Blizzard of 2016 did indeed arrive, all 24 – 40 inches of snowflake hearts with the winds of 40 – 60+ gusts; and, blessedly, few people lost their power … literally and/or emotionally.  New skill sets were developed … fireplace check-up and lug placement.  But, most importantly, the love and support of my family 1,800 miles away were never as close to me during these monster-under-the-bed-scary-times as they were during this historic Blizzard of 2016.  Thank you, my dear and beloved family, and thank you gods of power for never leaving my side!

Stay warm, my kindred spirits, and be of encouraging heart … it is now just 7 weeks until the astronomical spring will come tap dancing on our souls and refreshing signs of renewal will set in motion our hopes and dreams of boundless warming possibilities.   

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