Doodling with Words Followers

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Patina Silence
written by
Jeannette Zink

The resonant silence rest casually upon
the fringes of my soul; 
uninvited yet free to roam; 
wearing not the glamour of gold; 
rather, patina tones 
of yesteryear's harsh cold.

This incessant silence will soon know its fate;
 dressed by light of grace; 
love no longer the wayward guest; 
gentle peace comes to rest; 
released are the locks
 to mysteries beyond this golden gate.

Now, I am free to roam
 in a life of my own;
 peace has finally found my home;
 I am free ... free to roam;
gone the noise of silence;
please do come;
be my guest;
this is my home
 and we are now free ...
free to roam.