Doodling with Words Followers

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Givers and Receivers

Givers and Receivers … ‘tis the season

written by
Jeannette Zink
December, 2015

‘Tis that time of year when, at the first chime of a silver bell, we leap into the spirit of gifting … lists are jotted down, decisions made and fretted over, mad dash from store to store in search of THE perfect gift, and the inevitable regret of ill-chosen presents to be consigned for re-gifting … yes, the fun time of the year is in full poinsettia bloom.  The season when givers and receivers deck their holiday spirits with hearts of gold and ponder which side of the coin purse to pay homage …  the giver or the receiver side of humanity’s best kindheartedness.

It is a proven biblical fact that in Acts 20:35 the undeniably best position to take on this issue is to be on the giver side of the noble coin …“it is more blessed to give than to receive.”  So, what more is there to think about if it is a given proclamation of biblical proportion?  Why would we even pause to give a second thought when there are so many other important decisions to make, like what to give Aunt Agnes this year -- she who has a lifetime of everything one could possibly want or require.  But, be that as it may, I find myself circling this intriguing aspect of seasonal mayhem … giving vs. receiving.

Then it hit me, just like the meticulously chosen Christmas tree that sprung from a car’s roof top in the middle of a very busy intersection, maybe it is not an either/or kind of Socratic question – perhaps there is space for the conjunctive “and” to join in the festive season of goodwill and eggnog cheer.

Recently,  I had the opportunity to visit with a Subject Matter Expert in the field of giving and receiving.  The following is an excerpt of my interview with the renowned, Mr. Santa Claus:

JZ  Good morning, Mr. Santa Claus.  Thank you for taking a few minutes to visit with me.  I know what a busy time of year it is for you and your team.

SC  Happy Holidays to you!  It is my pleasure to talk with you.  I sense you have a few questions that have been giving you some cause to take a step back from your usual course this holiday season.

JZ  You are very perceptive Mr. Claus.  I have been doing a little cerebral debate on the question of which is better … to be a giver or a receiver of all things good during the holidays.

SC  Yes, that is an intriguing question -- one that givers rarely have the opportunity to allocate a second thought.  The givers are too preoccupied in their herculean quest for the perfect gift.  I do chuckle when I see them so ruffled in the scrabble for the perfect gift, the perfect wrapping, the perfect decoration, the perfect … I digress.  Let’s get back to your question.

JZ  If you could share your thoughts on this question of giving vs. receiving, it would be very helpful to all the givers that are in such a frenzy to find the absolute ideal gift.  It appears that the givers may be on the short end of this peppermint stick.  You know what I mean, Mr. Claus?

SC  Yes, indeed, I do know what you mean.  My helpers and I work very hard all year to find just the right gifts.  Oh, what joy when the deliveries are finally made to the intended recipients!

JZ   Have you ever considered not being the giver, but rather a receiver of these precious gifts?

SC  Well, it has been my experience that to give is to receive.

JZ  Please elaborate on this concept.

SC  Gifts come in all kinds of beautifully wrapped packages.  I think the best gifts are the ones that are wrapped in love, tied by ribbons of laughter and dance with the sparkling lights of simply BELIEVING in the mystery of the unseen.  These are gifts that will travel a lifetime journey in the hearts of young and old … gifts that make the giver a big time winner, in my humble opinion.

JZ  Are you saying that you are really the recipient of these gifts that you deliver to others?  You get the better deal in this gifting transaction!

SC  Yes, I do believe that I am a blessed recipient of the giving season.  The tangible and nicely wrapped gift is an expression of something far grandeur than its content.  The giver is sharing their grace-filled love with each gift.  The receiver of the gift returns twice over their appreciation and gratitude for our kindness.  My heart sprouts wings of joy, and my reindeer and I take flight to make more deliveries … surprisingly, our heavy load is never too heavy for us.
JZ  So, in a way, it is not a question of either/or  … either you give or you receive …  maybe …

SC  Allow me to finish your thought, if I may.  By giving we receive such wonderful blessings, and by receiving we give such wonderful blessings back to our giver.  Just think about how you feel when you give someone a gift.  Your heart is so full of joy that even the reindeer have trouble finding a place to park their sleigh.
JZ  Maybe, we are all givers and receivers in one way or another.  It’s just that the packaging comes in many different styles and form.  The Mistletoe Express of win-win, as it were.

SC  Are you familiar with Acts 20:35 … “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

JZ  Yes, I am familiar.  And, for the first time, I think I may have discovered the North Star of understanding its intended meaning … what a wonderful gift!!  Thank you, Mr. Claus, for spending all this time with me and helping me navigate through this giving and receiving maze.

SC  The pleasure was all mine.  What a wonderful gift you have given me.  Enjoy the giving season, no matter what time of year it may be.  It’s like the soft swirl of whipped cream topped with chocolate sprinkles on a hot cup of cocoa … the perfect finishing touch.  HO HO HO!!!

JZ  See you next year, Mr. Claus.  Have a safe journey.

SC  May your joyful spirit know the love in giving and the graceful blessing in receiving THE perfect gift … blessings and peace to all and to all a good night.

Love is THE perfect gift … given and received with no strings … wrapped with passion and grateful joy … a precious gift valued most when shared.

Peace and Love … my dear family, friends and kindred spirits.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Popular Word

Popular Wordtakes on a life of its own

 written by

 Jeannette Zink

I have a passion for words.  So, when an interesting word begins to repeatedly show up in conversations, my lexis-loving heart sends hugs and kisses to the alphabet universe of well-arranged letters. 
One such intriguing word that seems to casually find its way between the exchange of thoughts and decorative elaboration of topics is the word narrative.  I love the beauty of its intoxicating sound.  The visual on the page of this delightful word is like viewing a romantic waltz as the letters dance in rhythmic composition.  I almost feel like attempting a curtsy to show my respect to its elegance. 
First things first, let’s review the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of this beauty of a word… narrative (adjective):  describing events or telling a story.  See what I mean – even the definition is simply exquisite.

Before I know it, I begin to build this beauty of a word into my sentences.  After all, I am a well-educated person; I cannot be left behind at the expressive engine-language gate.   No, I will consciously insert this graceful word in with my community of words used to form sentences -- telling my story -- in the spirit of human verbal interaction. 

Just the other day, I wove in a little refined pizazz, in what could have been a very ordinary sentence, by embroidering my best new friend-word, narrative.  Are you ready for this ….  Every story has two sides, some day we will learn the narrative to this untold side.  See what I mean … just makes one want to dance a jig with this catchy linguistic partner.  One of those… you had me at narrative … kind of moments.

Life offers many joys … the narratives are endless.  Go out in the world, my friends, and tell your narrative.  The narrative you share will soon take on a life of its own … oh, the places a narrative can and will go!

May we all enjoy the narrative of each new day.

Monday, October 5, 2015

I don't need More ... any longer

written by
Jeannette Zink

We often remember some of the details, but not all of the facts.  Our days so strained with mental baggage that we are barely able to lift the suitcase of day to day living. Exhausted muscles struggle to carry the best that we choose to or can offer the day. Just hazy images of a time that was more valued by its lost soul currency of perceived ambition.  We, at our worst when certain it was our best, hold tight the shadowy hand of uncertainty as we blissfully travel the gravel path of better tomorrow's.

Like most things taken for granted, we cast aside the day's prize for what is surely much better waiting just around the next bend.  Today's fragile kaleidoscope of fragmented events never quiet the picture we hoped when viewed from the window edge of utopian perfection.

My strategy was simple - just to make it through one moment to the next - with as few emotionally-invested steps as possible.  I was most assured that what was to come would be far grandeur than the sheer love and enjoyment found within each now.  The now was just my stepping stone to better times ... when I would have more and be more ... always the emphasis on the more.  People, places and things to be tolerated, not cherished with unconditional grace, but a necessary means to the much better end ... the sacred illusive more.

Little did I know then what I know now, with unquestionable certainty, the more that I found to be so seductive was never within my reach.  The soul of my being craved not the more's; but rather, secretly desiring the magnificent gift ... love.  This is the prize worthy of my struggles, tears and sorrows.  This is the precious gift that will endure a lifetime.

While we may wrap this jewel in the finest paper and tie with exquisite ribbons and bows, the simple beauty and warmth waiting within is our mighty MOREless becoming the highly regarded more, and the modest elegance of LOVE … our golden ring.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

In the beginning ...

written by
Jeannette Zink 

I love a good book, especially its exquisite opening paragraph.  The writer is immediately establishing a pledge of expectation to me, the reader, in those first few chosen words.  A bond of assurance sealed with the author's mark of a pen and the remarkable journey ready to commence.  The rollercoaster ride of text is bound for twists and turns and fine-tuned melodic artistry.  The writer has cautiously cherry-picked a cleverly structured sentence with its impeccable and attractive punctuation.  We can now hitch our proverbial wagon to that undeniable quest for the next grand sentence and the next. The sheer placement of a comma or the companion semicolon may easily stir an emotional longing of remembrance when life's bitter fruit was sweeter and our dreams held a glow so bright that the night wore sunglasses. The rhythm and sound of words, intuitively placing our mind in an upright position and a toe tapping attention to each strung together phrase.

These are the labors and joys of the artistic storyteller ... to garner our willingness to travel this journey of majestic prose.  It may be a risky expedition since we can never be guaranteed, as in life, that the beginning will play out as hinted; the in-between as entertaining as was pledged; or, the ending as we may had secretly hoped by the time the writer's last word is laid to rest on the page. The End provoking a sense of bravery that our time was well spent on a good read.  If not ... oh well, there are always other books.  The infinite possibilities of opening paragraphs - some even grand - await us with each new book.  Our sense of smell tweaked by each glorious page as we eagerly open the gift of that first paragraph.

Read on, my friends ... read on ... because in the beginning... there just may be an exquisite opening paragraph.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Shadows in the Light

written by 
Jeannette Zink 

The scent of today no longer our concern--
just sweet ash memories;
shadows of tomorrow now free to dance in new day's light--
turn cartwheels on lavender waves of hope.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hey, God … did you just kick me!!??

written by  
Jeannette Zink

I’m not sure if the sensation on my backside was God’s way of re-directing my focus, or just the happenstance of the door closing brushing against my new beginnings. It is always a little disconcerting when starting a new adventure, but to start with the heavenly father giving you a swift kick into tomorrow is not exactly the jumping off point for a fun time journey. Just imagine all the questions that find their comfortable seat between the “should I or shouldn’t I” -- taking up the valuable real estate you need for all the luggage packed for this life-altering trip.  Not to mention the illusive answers that dance in step with the shadows of our heart-felt desires, hopes and ambitions.

Hey, God … did you just kick me, again!!?? Enough is enough … I do not need you questioning my decisions. I need your love and grace, those high-beam lights that are sure to guide me to a fresh start of a better life, an exciting tomorrow.  You have told me time and again that you are always with me, through the thick and thin of life.  So, where are you when I really need your support?  Where is that gentle and loving God, not the one that keeps kicking me!

Okay, I have had it with you, God … the third kick is not the charm!!! What’s that you say  — when I learn all you had intended for me to learn, you will no longer have a reason to kick me.  Then and only then the path will be clear for the journey you have planned for me.

Oh, now I get it… thank you for the lesson, God. It is the perfect time for me to move on to the tomorrow you have envisioned for me … not my decision, yours!  Not my plans, but yours. Got it.

Have a nice day, God.

Additional works of art and writing by Jeannette Zink:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Plan D ... the one that nearly gets away

written by
Jeannette Zink


There are at least 4 plans that guide our life journey...

PLAN A - the plan we may choose to just survive. 

PLAN B - the plan for when PLAN A does not work for us.

PLAN C - the plan we hope to implement "one day" when everything is perfect. 

Drum roll please...

PLAN  D - the plan that nearly gets away from us ... Run, run as fast as your questioning legs will carry you, my friends ... don't let this one escape you!  This is the PLAN that will feed your soul and nourish your spirit for a lifetime.   

Cherish each of your PLANS - they serve a purpose. Believe in their wisdom; adjust as needed.

Peace, love and joy to all PLAN D's ...

Enjoy the adventure!

Additional works of art and writing by Jeannette Zink:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Time for the Ink to Dry

written by
Jeannette Zink

I think I may have reached the part in my story where the ink just needs a time out.  You know… much like the geometric circle of life, one finally arrives at the key point where some things just no longer make sense…the dots do not connect… so, when in doubt, pause and let the ink have a chance to smell the roses of drying time.

While it may seem on the surface just a coy playground to procrastinate under the disguise of drying ink time, rather than make grown-up life defining--draw the line in the sand--decisions. I prefer to take a different path of interpretation, one that pays respect to the guardian spirits - truth and love…those awesome spirits that serve as my internal GPS to the map of next steps.

When the ink has dried and the circle has found a lasting friendship with the family of dots, it is then I will know where and how the vagabond of tomorrows will form the new phase of my life journey.  My internal GPS of love and truth will reveal the direction that is to be my unique path of unspoiled adventures.

Be patient…do not rush the process…give the drying time enough fresh air to breathe in renewal and exhale a life we are intended to share with the universe of goodness. Truth and love…may these spirits shine their light for us all to follow.

Peace, my friends.

Additional works of art and writing by Jeannette Zink: