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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Givers and Receivers

Givers and Receivers … ‘tis the season

written by
Jeannette Zink
December, 2015

‘Tis that time of year when, at the first chime of a silver bell, we leap into the spirit of gifting … lists are jotted down, decisions made and fretted over, mad dash from store to store in search of THE perfect gift, and the inevitable regret of ill-chosen presents to be consigned for re-gifting … yes, the fun time of the year is in full poinsettia bloom.  The season when givers and receivers deck their holiday spirits with hearts of gold and ponder which side of the coin purse to pay homage …  the giver or the receiver side of humanity’s best kindheartedness.

It is a proven biblical fact that in Acts 20:35 the undeniably best position to take on this issue is to be on the giver side of the noble coin …“it is more blessed to give than to receive.”  So, what more is there to think about if it is a given proclamation of biblical proportion?  Why would we even pause to give a second thought when there are so many other important decisions to make, like what to give Aunt Agnes this year -- she who has a lifetime of everything one could possibly want or require.  But, be that as it may, I find myself circling this intriguing aspect of seasonal mayhem … giving vs. receiving.

Then it hit me, just like the meticulously chosen Christmas tree that sprung from a car’s roof top in the middle of a very busy intersection, maybe it is not an either/or kind of Socratic question – perhaps there is space for the conjunctive “and” to join in the festive season of goodwill and eggnog cheer.

Recently,  I had the opportunity to visit with a Subject Matter Expert in the field of giving and receiving.  The following is an excerpt of my interview with the renowned, Mr. Santa Claus:

JZ  Good morning, Mr. Santa Claus.  Thank you for taking a few minutes to visit with me.  I know what a busy time of year it is for you and your team.

SC  Happy Holidays to you!  It is my pleasure to talk with you.  I sense you have a few questions that have been giving you some cause to take a step back from your usual course this holiday season.

JZ  You are very perceptive Mr. Claus.  I have been doing a little cerebral debate on the question of which is better … to be a giver or a receiver of all things good during the holidays.

SC  Yes, that is an intriguing question -- one that givers rarely have the opportunity to allocate a second thought.  The givers are too preoccupied in their herculean quest for the perfect gift.  I do chuckle when I see them so ruffled in the scrabble for the perfect gift, the perfect wrapping, the perfect decoration, the perfect … I digress.  Let’s get back to your question.

JZ  If you could share your thoughts on this question of giving vs. receiving, it would be very helpful to all the givers that are in such a frenzy to find the absolute ideal gift.  It appears that the givers may be on the short end of this peppermint stick.  You know what I mean, Mr. Claus?

SC  Yes, indeed, I do know what you mean.  My helpers and I work very hard all year to find just the right gifts.  Oh, what joy when the deliveries are finally made to the intended recipients!

JZ   Have you ever considered not being the giver, but rather a receiver of these precious gifts?

SC  Well, it has been my experience that to give is to receive.

JZ  Please elaborate on this concept.

SC  Gifts come in all kinds of beautifully wrapped packages.  I think the best gifts are the ones that are wrapped in love, tied by ribbons of laughter and dance with the sparkling lights of simply BELIEVING in the mystery of the unseen.  These are gifts that will travel a lifetime journey in the hearts of young and old … gifts that make the giver a big time winner, in my humble opinion.

JZ  Are you saying that you are really the recipient of these gifts that you deliver to others?  You get the better deal in this gifting transaction!

SC  Yes, I do believe that I am a blessed recipient of the giving season.  The tangible and nicely wrapped gift is an expression of something far grandeur than its content.  The giver is sharing their grace-filled love with each gift.  The receiver of the gift returns twice over their appreciation and gratitude for our kindness.  My heart sprouts wings of joy, and my reindeer and I take flight to make more deliveries … surprisingly, our heavy load is never too heavy for us.
JZ  So, in a way, it is not a question of either/or  … either you give or you receive …  maybe …

SC  Allow me to finish your thought, if I may.  By giving we receive such wonderful blessings, and by receiving we give such wonderful blessings back to our giver.  Just think about how you feel when you give someone a gift.  Your heart is so full of joy that even the reindeer have trouble finding a place to park their sleigh.
JZ  Maybe, we are all givers and receivers in one way or another.  It’s just that the packaging comes in many different styles and form.  The Mistletoe Express of win-win, as it were.

SC  Are you familiar with Acts 20:35 … “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

JZ  Yes, I am familiar.  And, for the first time, I think I may have discovered the North Star of understanding its intended meaning … what a wonderful gift!!  Thank you, Mr. Claus, for spending all this time with me and helping me navigate through this giving and receiving maze.

SC  The pleasure was all mine.  What a wonderful gift you have given me.  Enjoy the giving season, no matter what time of year it may be.  It’s like the soft swirl of whipped cream topped with chocolate sprinkles on a hot cup of cocoa … the perfect finishing touch.  HO HO HO!!!

JZ  See you next year, Mr. Claus.  Have a safe journey.

SC  May your joyful spirit know the love in giving and the graceful blessing in receiving THE perfect gift … blessings and peace to all and to all a good night.

Love is THE perfect gift … given and received with no strings … wrapped with passion and grateful joy … a precious gift valued most when shared.

Peace and Love … my dear family, friends and kindred spirits.

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